Tag Archives: Lady Gaga

This Blog is Finally Mine!

It’s alive! IT’S ALIVE!!!!

This blog finally belongs to me.

That means, my precious little sane followers, the psychotic creative writer has set up shop in your neighbourhood and he ain’t leaving.

Sorry for taking such a long hiatus, had to pull myself together and had some domain and mapping troubles, but I am here now, thanks to our “happiness-engineers” so chill.

Got some great new material flying your way very soon, so your reading taste buds won’t go amiss, I know your are probably sick of all the craptastic writers who claim their fame, the only thing I want from you is your ability to read and your imaginations, you can keep all what others have come to shake you for.

So without further-ado, have a look into what I am thinking.

I know we all have “THAT DREAM!” You know the one where everything is perfect. So here is my version of what my dream consists of. Yes, I shall be dropping names and what I shall be buying. Enjoy!

The Writer

I am walked into the MTV Movie Awards by the black-suits of off duty police-officers, moonlighting as bodyguards. The paparazzi are lined up and controlled by red-tape and railings. Each flash from their cameras reflects the twinkle of this superstar.  I am the writer Spielberg calls when he is looking for his next masterpiece, now. I am the scribbler Lady Gaga texts when she needs a giggle and a catchy new tune; Business is good. The first main floor seats is where I park my behind. The lust-lucked ladies wink my position to forward their careers or sexual desires; I don’t even write X-rates.

“And the award goes to, Alexander Kennedy. Best Screenplay.” Who would have thought LL Cool J could make my ears perk-up without rapping. I don’t act to bashful or overzealous but I ooze my mature nature with my uncaring eyes and slow walk to give off the essence of cool, don’t want to overdo it, which most do.

A firm hand shake for the rap legend and I step into my tale to marvel at what I have created for myself. Right now in front of this podium I am making my own history, my own path and not anyone can stop me. It was never about my education nor my background or even people’s expectations, but comes from what drives me; what drives this pen also.

So I bring forth to you, your writer. I may not have the biggest of vocabularies or the Oxford education but by God, no one will beat me. That is how you become a somebody on this planet; that is how you become a star; that is how you become a writer.

Don’t I wish? Haha! (One Day at a Time.)

This has been a psychotic creative writer’s announcement.


Keep those pens busy.


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Filed under 2013, Articles, Author, Blog, Celebrity, Fiction, Life, Literacy, Literary Agent, Movies, Music, Random, Story, Tales, Uncategorized, Wordpress, Writer, Writing, Writing #2